Recently, a JC student left his/her previous tuition class and asked me if he/she could join my lessons instead. I asked him/her if he/she could share with me the reason for leaving the previous tuition.
The lessons were online and students were not required (even not allowed) to switch their camera or microphone on. The teacher would be delivering the lessons and students just had to listen and make notes. They were not allowed to ask questions. There was also no homework at all.
I believe to many students, lessons like these would be “perfect” for them as it’s a breeze to just listen and no work needs to be done. Since the camera is also switched off, students can do their own things while the lesson is in progress. To students who really think this is the best kind of tuition, think again…
Lessons like these have no interest if students learn and follow. The fees are cheap, but it’s really a waste of parents’ hard-earned money.
The student failed GP eventually… To all my students, now you know why I have been strict with you. That’s because I care.