- LATEST – Strengthen English Visual Text Comprehension (New O-level Syllabus) – Upper Secondary
- LATEST – Strengthen English Visual Text Comprehension (New O-level Syllabus) – Lower Secondary
- Excel in Expository, Argumentative and Discursive Essays – Lower Secondary
- Strengthen English Editing for Upper Secondary Levels
- Critical Response Text for IP Students
- Excel in Expository, Argumentative and Discursive Essays – Upper Secondary
- English Oral – O level
- Visual Text Comprehension – Upper Secondary
- Visual Text Comprehension – Lower Secondary
- English Editing – Lower Secondary
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Strengthen English Visual Text Comprehension – Lower Secondary

This book is the only visual text book currently available in the market that assesses students’ understanding of visual text under the revised (new) syllabus.
Questions that most students usually grapple with include whether the text addresses the readers, if readers are encouraged to take action, and identifying the tone of the text. The book covers a broad spectrum of visuals that challenge students’ ability to answer these questions.
Strengthen English Visual Text Comprehension – Upper Secondary

This book is the only visual text book currently available in the market that assesses students’ understanding of visual text under the revised (new) syllabus.
Questions that most students usually grapple with include whether the text addresses the readers, if readers are encouraged to take action, and identifying the tone of the text. The book covers a broad spectrum of visuals that challenge students’ ability to answer these questions.
Excel in Expository, Argumentative and Discursive Essays – Lower Secondary

Book Number 8 – Guide and Model Compositions (Expository, Argumentative, Discursive) for Lower Secondary Students
Following the success of the upper secondary book, I have authored the lower secondary version, Guide and Model Compositions (Expository, Argumentative, Discursive) for Lower Secondary Students.
This book is a collection of different essay questions from various schools and covers a wide variety of topics and themes. The objective of the book is to expose and ease lower secondary students into writing critical-thinking type of essay questions.
The model essays are peppered with idioms and selected vocabulary. The meanings of the idioms and vocabulary are provided at the end of each essay to facilitate the use of figurative language, and varied word use for a more impactful essay writing.
The book will be distributed to all secondary schools as reference material for English teachers and available for sale at the Popular bookstores island-wide.
Strengthen English Editing for Upper Secondary Levels

This book is yet another innovative production. It is not only an editing practice book, but also a carefully crafted one to equip students with more than 350 nice vocabulary that they can use in their writing!
The book contains 75 editing practices and each practice has 5 difficult words that students are exposed to. They are powerful words that students can use and score bonus marks, especially when writing their essays.

Many students have asked where these words are from. I don’t simply pluck them from the dictionary. Rather, these words are used by the journalists (The Straits Times) in their news articles as well as school comprehension passages and novels that I have read. They are my collection and I aim to share how students can also learn to use them.
Finally, I am delighted to inform that most of the school teachers will receive a copy as teaching aid to facilitate their lessons. At the same time, the book will be available at all the Popular Bookstores.
Critical Response Text for IP Students

The Critical Response Text is an English Paper 3 component for students in the Integrated Programme (IP). Students are required to write a critical response text of about 200 words based on a visual. This is a challenging component that most IP students grapple with.
Thus, this book provides a step-by-step guide, enabling students to understand and apply the techniques of a well-structured critical response text. The visuals have also been carefully designed to reflect a wide range of social issues from ethics to technology.
This book is the only material available in the market to date, for IP students seeking help in the Critical Response Text
Excel in Expository, Argumentative and Discursive Essays – Upper Secondary

This book contains titles that are frequently examined in the O Level English Language examination.
The essays have been classified mainly into Expository, Argumentative and Discursive writings for students who wish to excel in these genres.
Besides empowering students to channel their creativity into words, the topics are thought-provoking to trigger the thinking vibes of the student. The compositions are also peppered with idioms to facilitate figurative language use and more importantly, the points mentioned are substantiated with facts or real-life examples.
I would also like to accord special thanks to the following students for their valuable contribution in part, towards the creation of the book. Excerpts of their writings found to have impeccable use of language or intelligent insights were adopted. Names listed are not in order of preference or merit.
Lim Qian Wei, Temasek Junior College
Bernice Goh, Meridian Junior College
Liu Shu Yuan, Singapore Chinese Girls’ School
Shirley Huang Guan Bing Xue, Singapore Chinese Girls’ School
Hoe Jian Wei, Chung Cheng High School (Main)
The Excel in Expository, Argumentative and Discursive Essays book will be distributed to all the secondary schools as reference material for English teachers and available for sale at the Popular bookstores island-wide.
Excel in Expository, Argumentative and Discursive Essays 分为三个部份:说明文,争论文和议论。 这本书能够提升学生在这三种作文方面的能力,助他们在O水准考试中取到好成绩! 每所中学的英语老师将会收到此书,做为参考书。各大众书局分店也会售卖。
English Oral – O Level

40 practices covering a wide range of issues that are relevant not only in our society but also globally.
The reading segment aims to gauge how fluent students are in reading a given passage, reading aloud coherently to convey its meaning effectively.
The spoken interaction practices help students develop personal responses to engage examiners confidently on specific issues based on visual stimuli.
This book is ideal for self-study and class discussions and students will find it helpful in developing the skills and confidence needed to tackle the English Oral Examination.
Visual Text Comprehension – Upper Secondary

40 exercises covering different advertising strategies.
The exercises aim to help students understand the underlying messages in posters and advertisements by associating with visuals and texts.
This book is ideal for home and class discussions and students will find it helpful in developing the skills and confidence required in tackling the Visual Text Comprehension section in the English Examination.
Visual Text Comprehension – Lower Secondary

40 exercises covering different advertising strategies.
The exercises aim to help students understand the underlying messages in posters and advertisements by associating with visuals and texts.
This book is ideal for home and class discussions and students will find it helpful in developing the skills and confidence required in tackling the Visual Text Comprehension section in the English Examination.
English Editing – Lower Secondary

50 exercises covering a wide variety of topics.
The exercises stretch students’ potential to identify grammatical errors and make the necessary corrections.
This assessment book is ideal for home and class discussions and students will find it helpful in developing the skill and confidence in tackling this component in the English examinations.