5 August 2018
The O-level students will be taking the English O-level oral exams in two weeks’ time. In fact, I always tell students that the oral exam is the easiest to score. Examiners are NOT there to assess how intelligent your ANSWERS are. Rather, they are looking for that candidate who is relaxed and articulate enough to hold a decent conversation. Really, it’s as simple as just chatting with your friends, teachers or parents; albeit with correct grammar as you speak.
For those who would like to have more practice and tips on tackling the exams, you may grab a copy of my O-Level English Oral book from The Popular bookstores. The book also includes the official assessment criteria by the Exams Board.

As for reading, just be mindful of commonly mispronounced words that you may encounter.
Some schools have provided students with a list of words mispronounced by most people. And today, I would like to share some of these words. Even for those who are not taking the exams, knowing the correct pronunciation is certainly useful in our everyday conversation.