The power of BIG (non-elementary) words

When writing essays, apart from mature and logical arguments, the use of of BIG vocabulary is another pre-requisite if you want to achieve a distinction.  According to official marking scheme by the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB), these are called ambitious or complex vocabulary.  Sounds complex?  Not really.  

GP Essay marking scheme

These words are actually found in the comprehension passages of various schools, newspapers and books, of course!  Whenever I come across them, I note it down and over the years, I have a collection of almost 300 of them (and still counting…).  I share these words with the upp sec and JC students.  They use them in their practice essays.  Of course, the ultimate aim is for them to use in the exams.  And for those who do, they score in language.  

So, don’t underestimate the power of vocabulary if you want to ace your essay.  Attached samples of students who use them in exams.

Sample 1

Sample 2